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金年会 国际合作工作开展情况

时间:2022-06-01  作者:  点击:




金年会 重视对外交流与合作,近年来学校在高职教育国际化道路上不断开拓前进,取得了一定的成绩。学院先后与台湾地区朝阳科技大学、大仁科技大学进行深度交流;选派多名专业带头人、骨干教师赴德国、新加坡等国家学习“双元制教学方法”“NPY办学理念和教学管理”。“智能制造领域中外人文交流人才培养基地项目”入选2020年教育部中外人文交流中心首批筹建院校,2021年加入中国国际教育交流协会和“中泰职教联盟”。教师参加“中德双元制精英师资提升项目”“中德养老护理师资提升项目”线上培训。学院参加“中国——东盟教育交流周职业教育论坛”“全国中外合作办学年会”“中国——东盟国际养老产业论坛”等交流会议,并组织学生参加“2021年中泰职教联盟国际软件技能大赛移动应用开发”赛项。




International Cooperation Work of Liupanshui Vocational and Technical College

Liupanshui Vocational and Technical College attaches great importance to foreign exchange and cooperation. In recent years, the college has continued to explore and develop internationalization of higher vocational education, and has achieved certain achievements. The college has conducted in-depth cooperation with Chaoyang University of Technology and Tajen University in Taiwan. The college has dispatched a number of academic leaders and backbone teachers to Germany, Singapore and other countries to study the dual education system” teaching method and NPY school-running philosophy and teaching management. The Sino-foreign Humanistic Exchange Talents Training Base Project in the Field of Intelligent Manufacturing of our college was selected as one of the first batch of colleges established by the sino-foreign Humanistic Exchange Center of the Ministry of Education in 2020. In 2021, the college joined in China International Education Exchange Association and China-Thailand Vocational Education Alliance”. And teachers have participated in the online training of Sino-German Dual System Elite Teacher Promotion Project and Sino-German Senior Nursing for the aged Promotion Project respectively. Besides, the college also took part in the Vocational Education Forum of China-ASEAN Educational Exchange Week, Annual Conference for National Sino-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools, China-ASEAN International Senior Care Industry Forum, and organized students to participate in the 2021 China-Thailand Vocational Education Alliance International Software Skills of Mobile Application Development competition.

地址:深圳市宝安区石岩街道石龙社区工业二路8号鼎宝宏绿色高新园A1栋  技术支持:金年会

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