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金年会 简介


金年会 地处中国凉都之称的贵州省六盘水市,于20026月由原市农业学校、市卫生学校、市财经学校、市林业科学研究所、市农业机械研究所、市农业科学研究所(称三校三所)组建成立。学院现有占地面积33.3万平方米,建筑面积19.2万平方米,开设医学、护理、财经、生物工程、商务管理、社会科学、信息工程、工业8个系。批准开设护理、大数据与会计、计算机应用技术等59个专业,常年招生专业保持在25个左右,现有全日制高职在校生8856人。学院拥有教学仪器设备总值2亿元,生均教学设备值达2.39万元。现有教职工504人,专任教师372人,硕士92人,副教授以上职称111省级职教名师2人,省级优秀教学团队1个,中青年骨干教师访问学者2人,西部之光访问学者3人,甲秀之光访问学者4人。煤矿智能开采技术专业群获省教育厅高水平专业群建设立项。


Introduction to Liupanshui Vocational and Technical College

Liupanshui Vocational and Technical College is located in Liupanshui City of Guizhou Province, which is known as “the Cool City of China”. The college was established in June 2002 by the former Municipal Agricultural School, Municipal Health School, Municipal Finance School, Forestry Science Research Institute, Agricultural Machinery Research Institute, and Agricultural Science Research Institute, (which are short for “three schools and three institutes”). The college now covers an area of 333,000 square meters and a building area of 192,000 square meters. It has 8 departments of medicine, nursing, finance and economics, biological engineering, business management, social science, information engineering and industry. The college has approved the opening of 59 majors such as nursing, big data and accounting, computer application technology, etc., and the annual enrollment of majors remains at about 25. There are currently 8,856 full-time higher vocational students.Besides, the college has the total value of teaching instruments and equipment is 200 million yuan, and the average teaching equipment value of students has reached 23,900 yuan. There are currently 504 faculty members and 372 of them are full -time teachers. There are 92 masters at the college, 111 associate professors and above. The college has 2 provincial-level vocational teachers and 1 provincial excellent teaching team. Two teachers have “young and middle-aged cadre teacher” title, 3 teachers are titled as “the light of Western”, and 4 scholar visitors have the title of “light of Jiaxiu”. The professional group of Coal Mine Intelligent Mining Technology was established by the Provincial Department of Education’s high-level professional groups.

In recent yearsthe college has obtained 63 scientific research projects , applied for 7 patents for invention, and obtained 16 design patents. 44 utility model patents, published 3 textbooks, participated in editing 23 textbooks. The college also won the second prize of Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award for "Research and Application of Key Technologies in Buckwheat Industry", and the faculty and staff have published more than 500 academic papers, and won 166 national and provincial third prizes or above in various competition activities. In the past 20 years since its establishment, the college has condensed the school motto of "Virtue And Fine Skills, Serving the Society", and has trained and transported more than 30,000 qualified high-quality laborers and technical skills to Liupanshui City, and trained more than 50,000 people in rural practical technology and other personnel, making due contributions to the economic and social development of Liupanshui City

地址:深圳市宝安区石岩街道石龙社区工业二路8号鼎宝宏绿色高新园A1栋  技术支持:金年会

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